Personal Items
Label all personal items (towel, lunch box, water bottle, sunscreen, etc.)
Leave electronics and toys at home.
We recommend phones and smart watches stay at home.​
Send your child(ren) with a water bottle each day.
Campers should pack a healthy morning snack and a full lunch to fill them up.
Snacks and lunches should not require refrigeration or heating.
Camp Whatakid provides an afternoon snack each day.
The Silo Center is a nut-free facility. Do not send any food items that contain any type of nuts or that are manufactured in a plant that produces nut products.
Campers are encouraged to dress comfortably and appropriately for camp activities.
Closed-toe shoes are required each day, sneakers are preferred. Water shoes, slides, sandals, Crocs, etc. can be brought on the campers' Water Day to put on for water activities only.
Bathing suits for Water Day should be modest for male and female campers.
Campers are required to wear their Camp Whatakid shirt on Park Days.

Mandatory Kiss & Ride will run for drop off and pick up each day. The Silo Center's Kiss & Ride traffic pattern has been approved by Fairfax County.
Morning Kiss & Ride is 8:00 am - 8:15 am.
Afternoon Kiss & Ride is 3:15 pm - 3:30 pm.
Follow the Camp Whatakid staff directions during Kiss & Ride to keep everyone safe!
Friendships are valuable for emotional well-being, and at Camp Whatakid, campers are grouped by age for daily activities to foster personal growth and build new relationships. These groups are designed for safety and the smooth operation of the camp. Campers will have plenty of opportunities to reconnect with old friends and make new ones, so there’s no need to submit specific friend requests.

Throughout the year, our Silo Center programs partner with Hope For Help, the organization for all giving initiatives and community outreach at New Hope Church.
We thank you in advance for allowing us the opportunity to partner with you as parents in teaching your children the core value of helping others in need. Our hope is that we would all fully embrace both the desperate needs of those in our community and those across the globe, and understand the opportunity we have to help them. The result will be the joy of seeing our children develop as selfless individuals as they learn to put others' needs ahead of their wants. This is an incredible lesson for children and adults alike.
If your child shows any of the following symptoms, he/she will not be permitted to attend camp that day: lethargic, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, signs of contagious disease, deep cough, discharge from nose or eyes. Children should not return to camp within a 24-hour period of experiencing any of the listed symptoms.
Camp Whatakid reserves the right to send a child home if he/she is not able to participate in activities or could spread illness to other children.